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This design is simple yet elegant enough to dress up the front of this client's home. The goal was not to be too busy but still have a bit of pop to the front of the home. ..
This is one of our interior balcony designs. This design was based off of a design a client had found that we incorporated and made into a balcony design. ..
This design is a simple but dressy, incorporating "S" scrolls with some unique thicker style knuckles. ..
This design is unique because we incorporated scrolls with straight bars but we made this design custom where the scrolls were only on the top and bottom to "frame" the design. ..
This is an example of our scroll work that we absolutely love to design for the front of homes. This is just an elegant look for a home. ..
This is another example of Iron Passion's finest work. This is an interior balcony and the design speaks for itself. Randy the owner designed this all on his own and there is nothing like it out there. ..
We had a small amount of space to work with on this balcony rail, but the client wanted to make a satement. They were very happy with the final results. ..
This is our belly-bar design on a radius. The process is time consuming, but the results look amazing on the front of the home. ..
This design is one of my favorites because I love the thick "S" scrolls balanced with the width of the balcony. The thicker the iron work the better it looks in my opinion. ..
We took this balcony to the next level adding the perimeter design, giving it a French Chateau Appeal. ..
This design is very popular because it adds balance to outside of the home. The "basket" design is what you see with the small twisted scrolls and we incorporated the circle design at the top for a little more design but not too busy. ..
This custom iron balcony adds architectural elegance to the home ..