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Center piece design bordered with double collared straight balusters ..
Belly Baluster balcony rail offers element of contour. ..
Beautiful elegant balanced design on these two balconies ..
Full embellished design of scrollwork on this balcony adds to the architecture of this home ..
This is an agreeable design for any home style or decor, beautifully appointed with its scalloped border. ..
This balcony has a substantial design with the large collars top and bottom of each baluster and a center balanced square collar to compliment the scrolled centerpiece. ..
The size of the corner posts warranted a large scroll pattern to put balance into this wonderful balcony. ..
This graceful design will be admired for many years, adding value and character to your home. ..
Large scrolled panels compliment the stonework on this large functional balcony. ..
The satin black custom iron scrolls create a beautiful centerpiece against the stone exterior of the home. ..
New design balcony with a updated traditional look ..